We have been in the property industry for over 22 years, we have gone from strength to strength in expanding our business and growing our portfolio from South London to East London to West London where we have a manageable size portfolio.
Landlords and tenants need to feel they are getting the best service, they need to have confidence in their agent and need to trust they are in good hands, this can only be done by proving it.
In this field there will be many many challenging situations, how we deal with them is the key to our business success.
All the entities of this business being landlords, Properties, will have their needs, each will need to feel it is more important than the other.
We train our staff to be efficient, professional and assertive at all times, every moment in this business is important.
We advertise with all major property portals such as Find A property, property Finder, Net lettings, we also highlight one hot property per week.
We like to build long term relationships with our landlords and tenants, relationships that we can be proud of and hope they will always want to do business with us again.
We have many properties that suit students to Corporate organisations and truly believe in the name of our company “The Right Properties 4 U”
With our competitive rates and excellent service and many years experience we will deliver a service you will be satisfied with.
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The Right Property 4 U launched the arrival of it’s sister company Adan Estates in march 2015, With this expansion of a fast growing company, the expertise that will be provided will be paramount to the success of providing its clientele with experience and fulfilling the expected requirements.
Our growing team understands how the Property business is at the highest level of demand in the United Kingdom in these current times and promises to provide an excellent service to all that is involved in the process.
These companies will provide the highest level of integrity and professionalism, along side properties that are of an extremely high standard and maintained to a high level.
Our vision is to expand and not lose sight of what is most expected and that is an excellent level of customer service to Landlords and Tenants.